Nuwara Eliya Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka off the beaten path

In the Sri Lankan hill country lies Nuwara Eliya. Its elevated position and mild year-round temperature make it an ideal spot for tea cultivation. Here, you can discover sprawling tea farms and quaint tea houses. You just must learn more about the tea process when you visit Nuwara Eliya. Going to one of these tea farms is the way to go. My trip to Sri Lanka’s tea farms is detailed in my blog, where I also offer advice on how to make the most of your own tea tour.

Nuwara Eliya’s tea plantations

The moment we get on the tuk-tuk, it starts to pour. Our first stop today is at a tea plantation around 30 km outside of Nuwara Eliya; our driver will be taking us to two other estates today. As you wind your way through the picturesque countryside, the rain finally stops, and a glimmer of sunshine peeks through the clouds. The Champagne region of France has some striking similarities to the tea fields. The home to which the plantation in issue belongs is indicated in large letters. A traditional British or Scottish name appears on the majority of the residences.

Excursion to the Tea Bush manufacturing facility

The Tea Bush, a tea house, is our first stop. Hansi, a friendly Sri Lankan woman, takes us on a tour of the plant here. Through a series of processes, including withering (drying), rolling, fermentation, oxidizing, drying again, sorting, and bulk packing, we see the transformation of green tea leaves into drinkable tea. As a so-called white-label product, Tea Bush tea is not sold under its own name in stores or supermarkets. Tea companies send bulk tea to auction houses in London or Colombo, where they buy it and rebrand it to sell in places like supermarkets.
In 1867, a young Scot named James Taylor brought tea to Sri Lanka. This is something you might not have known. Most plantations grew coffee during that period. After the fungus killed out all the coffee trees, tea was the new cash crop.

I bet you didn’t know that when tasting tea, experts always do it standing up.

It is time to sample after the fascinating trip. Among the nine teas we sample are English breakfast tea, golden tea, and silver tea. I prefer golden tea to green and black tea since they are made from different plants. It lacks the bitterness of black tea and is a little sweeter. Ries and I go to the balcony of the tasting room while the tea is being removed. We are about to witness the breathtaking Ramboda waterfalls. Furthermore, there is a building adjacent to the factory that shares the same perspective.

River Ramboda

Our tuk-tuk driver offers to take us to the Ramboda waterfall once we’re back in the vehicle. That, we certainly won’t turn down. After what seems like an eternity, we finally reach the base of a stunning waterfall that towers over 100 meters. There are a plethora of stunning waterfalls to behold in Sri Lanka. You won’t regret doing this.

Strawberry farm

Although Adma Argo’s strawberry farm is on the smaller side, I would still suggest it to everyone. You may get a wide variety of strawberry-based goods at this farm, which is unique among Sri Lankan farms. Strawberry juice was our choice, and we can honestly say that we’ve never tasted anything so good. I would definitely suggest it! Desserts, jam, and pancakes made with strawberries are also available here.

Tea factory and plantation

We will end our tour at the tea factory. Walking among the tea fields is one of the best parts of this farm. In order to get a good look at the tea leaves,. With its vast grounds and abundance of sightseers, the tea plantation gives off an air of commercialism. However, a free tour and tea tasting are also available here. We returned to our hotel at half past one in the afternoon after a delightful morning.

Details regarding our trip to the tea estates are immediately applicable

Although this is not an official tour, many visitors enjoy seeing the tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya. We inquired at the Branford Bungalow, where we are staying, about the possibility of reserving a tuk-tuk to transport us to nearby tea farms. And that is taken care of right away. We paid Rs 2000 to the tuk-tuk driver. Both the tea samples and the plantations are complimentary. Also, the waterfall is totally free. We spent a total of three and a half hours traveling. You may certainly accomplish this on your own on a scooter, but be cautious of the rain. Here in the Highlands, the weather is changing at a quick pace.

Directions to Nuwara Eliya and other useful information for tourists

The mountainous island of Nuwara Eliya is smack dab in the middle of Sri Lanka. There is a marked contrast between the metropolis and the remainder of Sri Lanka. The English established this settlement so that their people might have a spot to go hunting on vacation. A lot of the English flavor is still there. Charming golf courses, a historic post office, and mansions that look like they stepped out of a London magazine are all here.

What is the duration of your stay in Nuwara Eliya?

You won’t need more than two days to see Nuwara Eliya if you’re just interested in the tea plantations. Nevertheless, additional time will be required if you wish to explore the Horton Plains from Nuwara Eliya (in order to ascend the summit of World’s End) or embark on a night trip to Adam’s Peak. My recommendation would be to spend at least three or four days on your Sri Lanka hill country tour.

Nuwara Eliya, where is the best place to sleep?

Most of the hotels in Nuwara Eliya are of an English type, and they are all really beautiful. Though still relatively inexpensive, the costs tend to be a bit higher than what you’d find elsewhere in Sri Lanka. We have compiled a list of several excellent hotels and inexpensive guesthouses for your perusal.

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